Underground shelters in educational institutions

In order to solve the issue with education, it is necessary to find an optimal solution, and to develop separate safety requirements for schools so that our children can study.
BIM Modeling
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BIM Modeling
Underground shelters in schools
Underground shelters in schools

For more than two years, most educational institutions have been working remotely, and this is a huge problem. The quality of education during the full-scale war significantly decreased - both in schools and in vocational and technical schools and higher educational institutions. In the future, this threatens a catastrophic decrease in the number of qualified specialists in various fields, which are already in short supply due to the war. Very soon the question of rebuilding the country will arise - we will need qualified specialists.

Today, in several regions of Ukraine, the construction of underground educational institutions is planned, and when we got acquainted with several projects, we realized that some important points were not taken into account in them at all. So we decided to offer our solution, which will meet all the requirements for safe and comfortable education of children.

Currently, our team of designers is working on the creation of an open space room that can be divided into separate classes, equipped with all necessary communications and organize safe entrances and exits for all participants of the educational process. The construction of underground educational institutions, where children can study safely, is a relevant and important direction in modern realities. So we have something to offer the country in this area.


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