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Company "ALD" congratulates on the Epiphany of the Lord

Today Ukraine celebrates the bright feast of the Epiphany.

On this day, it is customary to bless the water and bathe in the hole, because, according to popular belief, the water at Epiphany has healing properties.

On this great holiday, Christians remember how John the Precursor christened Jesus in the Jordan River.

Today, the water in the Dnieper was blessed on the Central and Right-bank beaches, and hundreds of Cossacks came to plunge into the cold waters. Many people who bathe every year say that this process brings them health, good spirits and lightness for the whole year.

The company "ALD Engineering and Construction" congratulates everyone with Epiphany Day! Let pure, baptismal water take away all troubles and bring good health and purity of thoughts, so that life is happy and joyful!