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Dina Kostyukova works as a procurement manager at ALD Engineering and Construction. She goes for trainings every day after work. Dina practices sports since the childhood. She got back to martial arts for the sake of children. She went to training with her eldest daughter.

A woman calls her sports a lifestyle that helps her to feel cheerful and happy every day.

 - My eldest daughter is 14 years old today. She has been practicing ITF taekwondo for seven years. She has one step left to the black belt. She is seriously into this sport. When she was seven years old, and I brought her to classes, she wanted it herself. Children have periods "I want - I don't want", so in order to support the child, I decided to go to classes with her.

 - Have you been involved in this sport before?

 - Since my youth I have been fascinated and practiced martial arts. I went to the wushu classes. The eldest daughter went to ITF taekwondo. I decided to get back to sports for the sake of the child, I wanted her to study seriously and not to leave training. I am sure that sports is very important for the child growth.

 - How did you find a section where children and parents can train this way?

 - I have got a friend. She is a taekwondo coach. My eldest daughter Lisa started training with her in the Jaguar sports club. And I went to trainings according to my program and participated in competitions in my age category. It was great. We supported and helped each other.

 - Was it difficult for you to get back after the break?

 - No, you know, it was completely normal and natural to return to sports life.

All the problems we suffer come from our heads. Once you leave your problems in the background and you really want something, you can achieve any result. The main thing is to set a goal.

During the time we trained with Lisa, we managed to achieve a lot. I have participated in various championships. I am acting champion of the Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk and Lviv regions.

 - What do you need to do this sport?

 - You just need a desire to train. One need a desire to come and start practicing. As endurance develops gradually. Like physical fitness, it develops over time. Each person needs his own approach. But after a certain time, people reach the same level both in physical training and in the body's endurance, if they trains regularly.


-This sport is good for both girls and boys, as far as I know?

 - Children start training at the age of four. Indeed, sport helps to solve many problems. When the eldest daughter began to train, she had a desire, she was interested. Then she had problems with her legs, with the joints of her legs. Gradual physical activity and certain exercises released from deformity. Legs are absolutely healthy now. Therefore, sports and physical activity influence well, of course. If my eldest daughter is engaged in taekwondo professionally, then the youngest just goes to trainings for pleasure. She doesn’t participate in competitions. It also benefits because sport is health.

 - Do you continue to train in the summer?

 - Now we are in a sports camp with athletes from the Jaguar club on the shores of the Azov Sea. Here we also train and spend time with benefit.

 - Do you still participate in competitions?

 - At the moment, my age category is in the Ukrainian championship, and there is no other competition. Athletes take on up to 39 years old. But I didn’t leave the sport, I called a team of women engaged in fitness on the basis of the Jaguar sports club. This is a specially organized group of mothers those children train in martial arts. Mothers have to wait for the children for an hour. It is very convenient because women can also use this time to their advantage.

 - Does your employer know about your trainings and how do you master?

 - They know at work. They are interested. When they find out what kind of sport I am, they are surprised (smiles. - Author).

I work until 5 pm and I train every day at 6 pm. On Saturday training is in the morning. It is possible to manage everything. You just have to live this life. If there is no desire to train, it will not work and there will always be a lack of time. There will always be excuses.

For example, if I do not train for a while, I feel lack of activity. It gets heavier. We wake up at 6 am in the morning and go for a run. Life is beautiful and the day come way!